About.Have you ever wondered about the Sea Cadet Program, what we do and what opportunities are available to the cadets? Keep reading to find out more!
Get on Board!
Royal Canadian Sea Cadets is a youth program that provides exciting and challenging opportunities that are relevant to today's youth. The program fosters the development of leadership skills, good citizenship, and physical fitness while doing so in a naval inspired environment. Sea Cadets specifically specialize in sailing, seamanship, shipboard life, naval communications, power boat handling, boat repair, and marine engineering. Selected senior cadets have the opportunity to attend international exchanges, to sail aboard a Tall Ship or participate in ship deployments aboard Canadian Navy and Coast Guard ships. Additionally, Sea Cadets can compete for a chance to participate in annual sailing regattas! Sea Cadets also participate in ceremonial events and citizenship activities that allow them to connect to their Canadian naval heritage. The hands-on activities, exciting challenges and leadership opportunities for Sea Cadets are many. Canada’s motto, A Mari usque ad Mare (“From Sea to Sea“) can be applied to Sea Cadets. With Sea Cadet Corps found all across the country, and given Canada’s abundance of water and shoreline, the opportunities are many whether inland, or on either coast. You are bound to observe a Sea Cadet making a splash somewhere, from sea to sea! |
Sea Cadets participate in...
International Exchanges
Summer training and opportunities across the Country and Globe!
- HMCS QUADRA in Comox, British-Columbia
- HMCS ONTARIO in Kingston, Ontario
- CTC Cold Lake in Cold Lake, Alberta
- CTC Vernon in Vernon, British Columbia
- Canadian Coast Guard Deployments
- Royal Canadian Navy Familiarization Deployments
- Coastal Tall Ship Deployments
- International Tall Ship Deployments
Mission.The mission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community-based leadership program.
Vision.The vision of the Cadet Program is a relevant, credible and proactive youth development organization, offering the program of choice for Canada’s youth, preparing them to become the leaders of tomorrow through a set of fun, challenging, well-organized and safe activities.
Our Team.
Lt(N) Jason Finkbeiner, CD
A/SLt Kaisha Marinus
CI Sonja Friend